The unit that outcrops in this place is considered the oldest of all those that outcrops in the municipality of Mação.
Its dating was established from the determination of the age of the zircon (mineral) populations that its sediments contain.
At this site one can observe alternations of centimeter to millimeter benches of metagrauvaques (light colour) and of mycasysts (dark colour) of a strongly deformed detritic succession, where a well marked schistosity is evident.
It is possible to observe the schistosity planes of the rock outcrops, the presence of mineral alignments, which constitute well marked and elongated traces, which indicate transportation of the whole unit to the northeast quadrant.
In geological terms, this formation is part of the mega geotectonic unit, called Zona Ossa Morena, which was transported over the Central Iberian Zone, through a horseback riding accident.
It is approximately 650 million years old.