GC4XZTC-Na Ermida de S. António [Mação]
Small hermitage, located west of the village of Mação. Built in the 16th century, it was once a Franciscan cemetery.
Video of the Ermida Santo António
Classified as IIP - Property of Public Interest
Decree No 129/77, DR, I Series, No 226, 29-09-1977 (see Decree)
Notice of 7-02-1973 of CM de Mação
Order of 15-12-1972 of the State Secretary for Youth and Sports
Opinion of 7-12-1972 of the 4th Subsection of the 2nd Section of the JNE to propose the classification as TIP
Proposed classification of 4-11-1972 of CM de Mação.
The exact date of foundation of the Ermida de Santo António de Mação is unknown; however, some hypotheses about its institution are raised. According to Francisco Serrano (SERRANO, 1972, p. 203) this hermitage was built in the vicinity of a tower that housed friars of the Convent of Santo António do Sardoal.
We know, however, that it was already built in the second quarter of the 17th century, since its interior has a set of polychrome tiles dating from 1642.
The building develops in rectangular planimetry of single nave, whose roof unifies this space and the headboard. The main façade, made of a single cloth, is torn to the centre by a straight frame portal, topped by a figurative panel, flanked on the right by a window and on the left by an exterior stonework pulpit. A bell has been placed on the gable of the frontispiece.
The interior space is covered with panels of sixteenth century tiles in polychrome pattern. The main chapel, covered with a vault, is also covered with patterned tiles, having in the deep wall a retable of gilded and polychromed woodcarving of regional flavour.
Source: Catarina Oliveira